Wednesday 5 February 2014

Friend - A wonderful gift

I was supposed to write this in August, the month of friendship, but somehow couldn’t do it, anyway.
My cousin “Minu” gave me a book “The Ultimate Gift”. Some of you might have read it; there is even an English film based on it. It is a wonderful story about a young guy “Jason” who inherits ten gifts or say ten lesson from his uncle “Red”.  One of the ten gifts Jason receives is “The Gift of Friends”.

As Red rightly said “friend is a word that is thrown around far too easily by people that don’t know the meaning of it. Today people call everyone they know their friend”. Red gives Jason a task to find out the principle that underlies true friendship. The principle underlying friendship, Jason could think of is, it involve loyalty, commitment and a process that include sharing another person’s life, it is difficult to put in words but only with an example that Red shared with Jason.
Once Red gets very sick and his kidney needs to be replaced. Sadly they can’t find a kidney donor. Red Stevens almost lost hope till someone offers his kidney. It was his friend Mr. Hamilton. Jason moved by what his uncle told him. Red Stevens adds that not all friends can do what Hamilton has done for him. Red found ultimate gift of friend who can even shred a part of body to save one’s friend.

I closed the book and took a dive into overflowing wave of thoughts. A scanner started scanning my all friends. Wow what a wonderful friends I have. Friends who cares, who advises, who are multiplier of good times and divisors of bad times, who strengthen me indicating my strength,  who put me on right track showing weakness, who are always there when I need them. Fun time needs no invitation when they are around. They are my guide to some most magnificent eatery of the town, a superb companion who doesn’t need Ajinomoto to add a zing to food. Nautical miles are always short to keep our friendship at distant.  Though I got a small list of friends but a precious gift I will treasure all my life. It’s you!
Ok to give you a hint of my friends, a friend with whom I talk almost every day, friend without whom our ‘dil chahata hai’ ‘tikadi’ (trio) is incomplete, Mr R, friend I got from Mahur, un-saint friend, a bold lady friend, pj friend, friend with whom I like to go on lunches, friend in US who knows me better, friend in Germany who do not miss a chance to encourage, a ganapati visarjan friend, a friend I meet occasionally but who always brings me an ear to ear smile.

Scanner revealed some precious jewels, but point in question is who can take place of Mr. Hamilton for me. Immediately it showed face of my brother. Unquestionably! After my father he stepped into his role but more so as a friend. Most of the times, we see our thoughts rising on two poles of earth, but definitely he is the sunlight enabling fruition of my life.
Delighted with result, I asked scanner to check jewel box, do I have more than one Mr. Hamilton. Going back and forth scanner stopped at one face, for sake convenience let’s name him as Mr. R. I always have lots of complaint against R but I could understand why scanner stopped here. R understands me so well that I can open up myself without any need to prove me. But there are few incidents which I believe put R in the position of Mr. Hamilton.

I was on one of my initial bank audits in another town. They (bank) wanted to impede scrutiny of books so started harassing me. They started putting undue pressure to complete audit in 2 days which was almost impossible. I needed someone who can help me out of situation. I inquired my other friends but they were busy in their own audits. Losing all my hopes I asked R if he can come. He instantaneously realized my situation and came with next available bus. It was a kind of life saving help. We could finish our work properly within time. In another incident I caught chickenpox just before my final exams. It became certain that I will miss my exams. R suggested me to give exams whatever may be the situation. He stayed with me during this whole period, encouraging me all the time.  My attempt was not successful and chickenpox trapped R also but he never regretted his action. There are many other incidents where he showed his support with all “Tan, Man, Dhan” which I know was the reason for scanner to stop on R.
All the way we need not only the moon but also stars to get the directions in darkness of night.  I’m very lucky that sheet of my life is studded with stars along with some moons around. But greed to have some more moons never get settled, could you be the one?
As informed you earlier this brings the end of first season of my blogging. Sooner or later will try to bring you season 2. Thanks for visiting my blog, sharing your thoughts and encouraging me.


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